Kids activity for primary schools

Image result for building blocks images

Hands-on Activity: Growth and Graph
Standard : K (K-2)
Students visit second- and fourth-grade classes to measure the heights of older students  using large building  blocks  as a non-standard  unit of measure. They also measure adults in the school community. Results are displayed in age-appropriate bar graphs  (paper cut-outs  of miniature building blocks glued on paper to form bar graphs) enabling a comparison of the heights of different age groups. The activities that comprise this activity help students develop the concepts and vocabulary to describe, in a non-ambiguous  way,  how heights  change as  children age. This introduction  to graphing provides  an important  foundation for creating and interpreting graphs  in future years.


Real World Connection
Measuring and graphing are important skills used in all engineering disciplines . When engineers design houses or cars or bicycles, they need to know the likely shapes and sizes of the people who will be using those structures, vehicles or products . Making graphs enables engineers to look at lots of data at once, in order to see averages, trends and patterns.
Project Objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:
·            Measure heights in a non-standard, age-appropriate way, such as by using building blocks instead of rulers.
·               Display data in the form of pictorial bar graphs.
·               Interpret bar graphs.
·               Describe how the heights  of children change as they  age.
Required Resources
·            long building blocks , about 10 inches long; one for every two students in the class
·            medium building blocks , half as long as the long blocks above; one for every two students
·            15-30 sheets  of construction paper (preferably  all  the same color)
·            glue, for student use
·            poster board, several sheets, either all one color, or four different colors, one for each age group
·            markers and pencil
·            paper cutter or scissors
·            ruler
(Gather the class together and remind them of the discussion that was held after they measured each other using building blocks. Point out the list of student heights that was obtained during that discussion.)
I know a way to show all that information in a special type of picture called a graph. Who has heard of a graph? (Listen to student responses.) Where have you seen a graph? How was it used? What did it tell you?
Graphs are very useful because they let people share or learn about a lot of information in a quick and easy way. Today, you will help me make a large graph of your heights.

Have a Glance
Time Required          :  180 minutes
Group Size                :  2
Activity Dependency :  How Tall Are We?
Subject Areas           :  Life Science
                                     Number and Operations

Before the Activity

      Create and make copies of a data sheet for each student to use when visiting the other grade classrooms to record the names and heights of a second grader and a fourth grader, and provide space to make tally marks as they measure the older students.

      Prepare about 500 construction paper rectangles, all sized -1 x 3--inches, for students to use, with glue, to make bar graphs. It helps to use a paper cutter to make this easier. The exact size does not matter but make them similar in proportion to the building blocks being used and an easy size for students to handle. Since construction paper measures 9 x 12-inches, 1 x 3-inche rectangles are easy to mark off and cut (1½ x 4-inch rectangles are also easy, but require more construction paper). The exact number of rectangles needed depends on the class size.
         Use a meter stick and pencil to lightly draw vertical lines about every three to four inches across the sheets of poster board. Draw one vertical line for each student in the class, and write a different student's name al the bottom of each of line. The vertical lines make ii easier for students lo glue the rectangles neatly onto the poster board into bar graphs. Use the wider spacing if your rectangles are the larger size. This way, when students glue down the rectangles, they can line up the pieces along the vertical lines to keep the graphs from leaning or becoming too crooked.
          A week or two in advance, recruit a dozen or so adults to visit your class and be measured by your students. These might be parents, administrators, librarians, janitors or counselors-anyone who can spare a few minutes. Try to get both men and women, and include yourself. It is best if all the recruited adults visit the class at the same time, but if not, schedule over several different days and times.
       A few days in advance, arrange times when your class can visit a second-grade  class  and a fourth-grade class. It  works  best if  you determine  in advance which pair of kindergartners will measure  the  heights  of which two older students  in each class.


 During the course of several days, students will:
       As a class activity, create a bar graph that shows all the heights of the students in the class. This is accomplished by students gluing pre-cul rectangles, resembling the measuring blocks students used, onto lined prepared chart paper.
      Visit second-grade and fourth-grade classes lo measure the heights of those (older) students.
       Measure the heights of several adults recruited from the school community.
       As a group activity, create bar graphs that compare the heights of second-graders, fourth-graders and adults.

                  Part 1: Making a Class Graph

1)    Show the class the already-prepared poster board and rectangles.  Place the poster paper on the  floor or a table so  that  ii  is flat. Then,  using the  actual data for one student,  show how you can line up the rectangles on end, one above the other, to  represent  that  student's  height. Do not glue those rectangles  down. Also point out  how to use  the vertical lines drawn on the poster paper lo keep the line of rectangles straight, and that you placed the rectangles on the line marked with the name of the student whose data you chose.
2)    Explain that each person's task is lo glue rectangles on the poster board to show his  or her height,  using the vertical line above his  or her name.  Then, remove the rectangles  you used for demonstration  and let students  begin creating and gluing down their own graphs.  To avoid congestion,  do this  as a center activity  in which groups of three rotate through.

                      Part 2: Measuring Second and Fourth Graders

1)    Explain to students that ii would be fun to visit some other classes and see how tall some older students are. Explain that you have arranged visits to a second-grade and a fourth­ grade class. Ask students: How do you think the heights of these older students will compare lo your heights? When students say they think the older students will be taller, ask them how much taller. Students may use their arms to demonstrate, but ask them how many blocks taller they think each group will be. Record their predictions on chart paper or the classroom board.
2)    Next, explain that this lime, students will work in pairs to measure two second-graders and two fourth-graders. This way, one kindergartner can work as the tally marker while the other does the block measurement. Suggest that they trade jobs each lime they measure a new student.
3)    When you return to your own classroom, ask the class how their measurements  compared to  the predictions  recorded  earlier.

               Part 3: Measuring Adults

1)    On the appointed day (or just before the first of the adult visits), ask the class how many blocks tall they think adults are, compared to their heights. As before, record their predictions.
2)    As the adult recruits visit the class to be measured, record their names and heights on the large data sheet prepared in advance.
3)    As the data comes in, compare the actual adult heights lo the student-predicted heights.

      Part 4: Graphing Older Students and Adults

1)    Using the poster boards prepared in advance, have students glue on rectangles to represent the  measured  second-grader  and fourth-grader heights. These should be made in the same manner as  the  graphs  of their own heights. Again,  do this as a center activity.
2)    Likewise,  assign individual students  to glue bars  representing  the adults  onto the poster board prepared earlier for the adult height graph.

Part 5: Discussion and Investigating Questions

1)    Display all four completed graphs in a row, ordered from the youngest to the oldest age groups. Ask students to comment on what they observe about the graphs. Expect their first response to  be: as  people get older, they get taller. Then ask  questions lo  focus  their observations,  such as:
·            Do you see a big difference between the heights  of kindergartners and the heights  of second graders?
·            Do you see a big difference between the heights  of kindergartners and the heights  of fourth graders?
·            What about  the difference between second and fourth graders?
·            What about  the difference between kindergartners and adults?
·            Are all kindergartners the same height? What about all second and fourth graders?
·            Do you see a difference between the heights of boys and girls in each class? (Expect not much height difference between genders, or possibly giris may be slightly taller on average.)
·            Do you see a difference between the heights of men and women in the adults?
2)    Real-World Engineering Connection: Explain that the way students just spent some time carefully examining all the measurements and graphs they made is similar to how engineers look al the data they collect and the graphs they make, looking for comparisons, averages, trends and patterns. II is how engineers figure out what sizes to make everything  from skyscrapers  to  doorways,  car seats,  bicycles, phones  and shoes.
3)    Next, explain that there is a more exact way to talk about the differences between the heights of the four age groups. Starting with the kindergartner poster,  ask  who is  the shortest person in the class. At the bottom of the chart  paper,  write down that student's  measurement.  Then ask who is the next taller student.  Write down that student's  measurement directly  above the first's. Continue putting the student  heights  in order from  shortest lo tallest.
4)    Then explain that you are going to start crossing off heights two at a lime, by crossing off the shortest and tallest together. Then cross off the second shortest and second tallest together, and continue crossing off pairs of measurements until only one or two measurements in the middle of the list remain. Explain lo the class that since you have crossed off all the short and tall students, you now have the middle-sized kindergarten height remaining. (In mathematical terms, you have determined the median height, but avoid using this term with young children; "middle-sized" is a term they can understand and serves just as well.)
5)    Repeat the same procedure for the second-grade class. Point out that you can now easily compare the heights of middle-sized kindergartners to middle-sized second graders. For example:  A  middle-sized kindergartner is  4 blocks  tall, and a middle-sized second grader is  4½ blocks tall. So a second grader is  one-half  a block  taller than a  kindergartner."
6)    Do the same for the fourth grade class and the adults. By having them compare the heights of the different age groups using numbers (quantitatively), you are helping them develop both number sense and an understanding that numbers can be used to help describe and compare things of interest.
Safety Issues
    Students may need to stand on chairs or tables to measure adults, so be sure to monitor this activity closely.
    Watch that students who are easily angered or frustrated do not use the large building blocks to harm others.
Troubleshooting Tips
Water hotter than 122° F or 50°C may kill the yeast.
Notes to teacher.
·         Sample A involves physical change of sugar dissolving.
·         Sample B (Alka-Seltzer) contains a non-living chemical reaction.
·   Sample C (yeast) contains a living chemical reaction. This should be a long term reaction.
Summary Assessment: To assess whether students are now able to independently use non-standard methods of measurement, ask them to measure the heights of several objects in the classroom.  This  time, have them use  smaller building  blocks  to  measure objects  such as  a book,  teddy  bear or doll and paint  brush.  See if  they are able to  show their results  in the form of a bar graph by having them use paper cut-cuts of the blocks  (prepared in  advance,  or else use existing toy  blocks,  such as LEGO bricks) to create bar graphs that compare the measurements  of the various  objects.
Activity Extensions
Conduct a similar exercise with home-grown seedling plants by having students use stacking 1-inch cubes (such as Unifix cubes) to measure the heights of growing plants over a period of weeks. Have students plant bean or zinnia seeds according to package directions, using 16-cunce plastic drinking cups with drainage holes made in the bottoms. Use a good quality potting soil, and make several extra plantings in case some seeds do not germinate. Keep the pots moist but not soggy, and leave them in a sunny window.
Once the seedlings are about two inches high, have students measure the heights with Unifix cubes every three or four days. Provide data sheets for recording the height measurements and the number of days since planting. Provide a large calendar with the planting day prominently marked to help with this data collection procedure.
After a few weeks, when the plants reach full height, have students create bar graphs showing how their own plants grew each time they were measured.
In a follow-up discussion, be sure students realize that like humans, plants grow steadily at first, and then their growth slows or even stops. Unlike humans, however, many plants keep growing indefinitely, as long as they have enough nutrients and water and remain disease-free. Trees are a familiar example.

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Also read: How to add meta tags in blogger
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Truth behind Health Insurance

Could you explain what a health insurance premium is? What about coinsurance?
Just under half of Americans with health insurance feel confident that they understand such basic insurance terms, according to a recent study in the journal Health Affairs. Among uninsured Americans, fewer than a quarter have that confidence.
As the Affordable Care Act creates millions of new health insurance customers and provides new options for the already-insured, confusion about basic insurance concepts could make it difficult for people to make the right choices.
"The vast majority of consumers do not know the ins and outs of health insurance because they never have needed to," says Eric Stauffer, a former insurance agent who now rates and reviews insurance companies online.
"For years, most people have received health insurance through their employers. They get a card in the mail, and that is their ticket to health insurance," he says. "Consumers rarely saw much more than a bill for a few hundred dollars here and there."
But it's no longer so simple. "Years of being naive about the entire industry are starting to catch up with people now," Stauffer says.
Here are five things a wise health insurance consumer needs to know.
Every health insurance plan includes a number of variables, so just looking at the monthly payment, or premium, doesn't tell the whole story.
To determine whether a plan fits your situation, you must understand the big picture. That includes the annual deductible, which is the amount a consumer must pay out of pocket before the insurance company will pay any expenses.
"If you are a healthy person, there is no reason to have a deductible lower than $5,000," says Ashley Hunter, president of HM Risk Group, a niche insurance brokerage serving the U.S. and the Middle East.
"Purchase a policy with a higher deductible and an option that allows you to have at least two doctor visits with a copayment for emergencies," she says, adding that you might then invest your premium savings.
People who seek health care regularly should look for a low copayment, which is a fixed out-of-pocket charge for medical services.
"We find that if you tend to use your health insurance, it is almost always cheaper to take a higher-cost plan with the lowest out-of-pocket expenses," says John Seltzer, founder and CEO of J. Seltzer Associates, a Pittsburgh-based insurance brokerage specializing in employee benefits.
While copayments and coinsurance are both types of cost-sharing between the consumer and the insurance company, they are two distinct types of payments, notes Michelle Katz, a nurse and the author of "Healthcare for Less" and "101 Health Insurance Tips."
In a copayment, also known as copay, the patient pays a specific flat dollar amount to the provider, usually for each service or treatment, such as $25 for a checkup.
Coinsurance, on the other hand, is a percentage of costs that a patient must pay after the deductible is met. "For example, you may have a deductible of $250 before insurance will cover 80 percent of charges, leaving you responsible for the other 20 percent -- known as coinsurance," Katz explains.

Make money using Forex

In the forex market, you buy or sell currencies.
Placing a trade in the foreign exchange market is simple: the mechanics of a trade are very similar to those found in other markets (like the stock market), so if you have any experience in trading, you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly.
The object of forex trading is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the price will change, so that the currency you bought will increase in value compared to the one you sold.

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Trader’s Action EUR USD
You purchase 10,000 euros at the EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.1800 +10,000 -11,800*
Two weeks later, you exchange your 10,000 euros back into U.S. dollar at the exchange rate of 1.2500 -10,000 +12,500**
You earn a profit of $700 0 +700
*EUR 10,000 x 1.18 = US $11,800
** EUR 10,000 x 1.25 = US $12,500
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An exchange rate is simply the ratio of one currency valued against another currency. For example, the USD/CHF exchange rate indicates how many U.S. dollars can purchase one Swiss franc, or how many Swiss francs you need to buy one U.S. dollar.

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How to Read a Forex Quote

Currencies are always quoted in pairs, such as GBP/USD or USD/JPY. The reason they are quoted in pairs is because in every foreign exchange transaction, you are simultaneously buying one currency and selling another. Here is an example of a foreign exchange rate for the British pound versus the U.S. dollar:
The first listed currency to the left of the slash (“/”) is known as the base currency (in this example, the British pound), while the second one on the right is called the counter or quote currency (in this example, the U.S. dollar). When buying, the exchange rate tells you how much you have to pay in units of the quote currency to buy one unit of the base currency. In the example above, you have to pay 1.51258 U.S. dollars to buy 1 British pound.
When selling, the exchange rate tells you how many units of the quote currency you get for selling one unit of the base currency. In the example above, you will receive 1.51258 U.S. dollars when you sell 1 British pound.
The base currency is the “basis” for the buy or the sell. If you buy EUR/USD this simply means that you are buying the base currency and simultaneously selling the quote currency. In caveman talk, “buy EUR, sell USD.”
You would buy the pair if you believe the base currency will appreciate (gain value) relative to the quote currency. You would sell the pair if you think the base currency will depreciate (lose value) relative to the quote currency.


First, you should determine whether you want to buy or sell.
If you want to buy (which actually means buy the base currency and sell the quote currency), you want the base currency to rise in value and then you would sell it back at a higher price. In trader’s talk, this is called “going long” or taking a “long position.” Just remember: long = buy.
If you want to sell (which actually means sell the base currency and buy the quote currency), you want the base currency to fall in value and then you would buy it back at a lower price. This is called “going short” or taking a “short position”. Just remember: short = sell.
“I’m long AND short.”


“How come I keep getting quoted with two prices?”
All forex quotes are quoted with two prices: the bid and ask. For the most part, the bid is lower than the ask price. The bid is the price at which your broker is willing to buy the base currency in exchange for the quote currency. This means the bid is the best available price at which you (the trader) will sell to the market.
The ask is the price at which your broker will sell the base currency in exchange for the quote currency. This means the ask price is the best available price at which you will buy from the market. Another word for ask is the offer price.

The difference between the bid and the ask price is popularly known as the spread.
On the EUR/USD quote above, the bid price is 1.34568 and the ask price is 1.34588. Look at how this broker makes it so easy for you to trade away your money.
If you want to sell EUR, you click “Sell” and you will sell euros at 1.34568. If you want to buy EUR, you click “Buy” and you will buy euros at 1.34588.


5 ways to earn money online without investment

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We have worked on number of GPT sites but we will recommend only 3 sites which pays their member on time. You can receive your payment by PayPal, cheque or bank transfer.

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Also read: High paying niches for Google Adsense.

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Earn money online as a Translator

Make money online as a Translator

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Globalization coupled with technological advances has made the world a global village. Translators are in great demand these days. Clients are increasingly looking for people who can translate important documents for them. Translators having skills in French to English translation, German to English, Hindi to English translation and vice-versa are in great demand these days.
If you want to earn money as a translator, the easiest way is to join Upwork. However, there are various other online platforms that provide you opportunities to earn money online but I am not sure about their payment protection. Upwork provides you payment protection to ensure that you get paid for your hard work every time you work for a client. This freelancing site is free to join and offers several translation jobs to the freelancers. 
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Moreover, the website provides several money withdrawal options to the workers. You can also use your bank account to withdraw the money from the company irrespective of your location. You receive the money within three to four days from the date of withdrawal. Moreover, the site provides you the opportunity to interact with clients from across the world where you can establish long-term business relationship with the clients.
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Furthermore, you can also try your luck on other online translation platforms such as Gengo, Transperfect Translations, Protranslating, and Translatorscafe. Translation job is very challenging and demanding where success depends on your ability to exceed the expectations of clients. However, right skills, experience, and right platform can significantly help you to earn money online.

Earn money with Facebook

Earn money with Facebook. Facebook connects you to new people and helps you develop relationships.

1. Create an appealing Facebook profile.

When someone knows, likes and trusts you, they're more willing to hear about your business. Your profile gives you this opportunity when you use your profile picture; cover image, and "about" section properly.

Choose a professional profile picture. Use your cover image to give people a snapshot of your personality. A complete "about" section makes you more credible and rounds out your personality.

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Also Read:Make money online as a Translator
2. Post publicly on Facebook.

Your goal is to let your friends know what you do for a living and how you can help them. For example, if you're a realtor:

Hey everybody! As you may know, I love helping people find their dream home. If you know anyone that needs assistance, please message me.

If you're an insurance rep:

Hey there! As you may know, I love helping families be protected from unforeseen tragedies. If you know anyone that needs life insurance, please message me.

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3. Use Facebook Messenger.

It is like email, but better. If you've previously conversed with a prospect and you're getting ready to talk to them again, you can quickly review all your previous talks in one place.

If you haven't spoken to a friend in a while, make sure to re-establish the relationship first. You don't want them to feel like you are only reaching out for business. You can say, "Hey! We haven't spoken in a while. How have you been?" Only chat about your products if they ask what you do.

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4. Send messages based on past conversations and what you know about a friend.

A realtor example:

Hey Tom! I know you love houses with a view, and I seem to remember you were looking for a house. Well, check out this amazing lake view property! Do you want to come see it with me?
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An insurance rep:

Hey Alicia! I know we're both family people, and it's been awesome to see yours grow up on Facebook. I was super glad to find out about this new life insurance option our company just created. It provides for families like no other policy I've seen. Do you want to hear more about it?

5. Keep the conversation going.

It's exciting to have someone respond to your messages! Thank them for the response, give them additional information: pictures, videos and details of your offering, and then let them know what is the next step.

If you don't hear back, send them a message once a week asking if they wanted to take the next step. Be patient. Not everyone checks Facebook daily.

6. Stay in touch.

It's only a matter of time until friends want your product. Stay in touch on Facebook by posting quality content and interacting with your friends' posts. Posting quality content is a balance between business and personal: Too much of either can result in failure. Be personal 80% of the time. People do business with those they have the best relationship with; so post about what's on your mind. Post about business the other 20%.

The more you interact with your friend's posts, the more your business posts appear in their newsfeed. Your friends will also see you as a true friend, not someone just trying to sell them products. When you comment on a friend's post, write from the heart. Treat it the same as when you talk face to face.

7. Grow your friends to grow your income.

With over a billion users, Facebook offers an unlimited amount of people to talk to if you take the time to build relationships. Facebook's Graph Search solves the new prospect obstacle by opening up their entire database to you. All you need to do is take the time to reach out and build relationships.

8. Create a group for support and inspiring sales teams.

Whether you're a manager motivating a team, or have a group of industry peers who want to support each other, Facebook Groups are the answer. You can move mountains when you belong to a group of passionate people working toward the same goals, supporting each other every day.

Once you start your group, post at least a few times a week. It could be a question, words of motivation, pictures, or videos. Always like and comment on what others are posting as well. Groups are like live events happening 24 hours a day. When run correctly, it will become the cornerstone of your success.


4 ways to earn more than $3000 with Google Adsense

Earn money online fast with a website. Making a website is not a difficult task for any one in these days and making money from a website is getting fame day by day. There are many bloggers who are earning more than $3000 per month from their blogs. There are a lot of resources available for you to make a blog even if you don’t know any kind of coding. After making a blog or a website you can put ads on your blog to how to make money from a website. The ad that is most popular and every blogger wants these ads on his blog or website. This ad service is called Google Adsense and you can make more than $3000 per month with your blog easily. Make money from Google Adsense without any investment or very little amount of investment if you want. Today we will be discussing that how you can make more than $3000 per month with one blog or website with decent traffic.
Also read: Earn money with Facebook

Keyword Research:

Keyword research is the epic center of your whole job while making a website. There are many keywords that are low price keywords and some are very high paying keywords. Keywords like “funny pictures” etc. are quite high paying key words and you can earn more than $40 per click for some of these keywords. There are many tools available to check how much a keyword can get you from a click. Google’s keyword planner is one of the best that will give you more accurate information. You may not get what these online tools shows but it is quite helpful to get those keywords that can get you more money than the other ones. The high CPC (Cost Per Click) keywords are the ones that you should choose while researching keywords.

Also read: High paying niches for Google Adsense

Organize Your Website:

Now after the selection of keywords make a website or blog. See our brief article on how to make a website. Make a blog in Google’s Blogger it is free and very easy to understand. The best thing about Blogspot is that the blog created in Blogspot never gets down by traffic. If you can bring millions of visitors per day it will not got down at any time.So set a name and choose a theme that best suits your keywords. You can make custom themes if you web development. Try to set a domain name that is not the exact match of your keyword. Add proper titles and meta descriptions to your blog. Try to update your blog every day with as much posts as you can.
Also read: 5 ways to earn money online without investment

Check Keyword Competition:

If you are checking the CPC of a keyword then you should look at the competition’s column as well. Check whether the competition is not too high if it is high competition keyword then don’t select it for your website because you have to work very hard to beat your competitors. So your goal should be to choose high CPC and low competition keyword for your website/blog. Try to use long tail keywords to make your website they are more helpful than the short ones.
Also read: 11 ways to earn money online

Make Use of Social Media for More Traffic

Use social media to get your users to engage with you more. It will help you get more traffic to your website/blog with minimum of effort. Make a fane page in Facebook and get more likes by posting interesting contents.. These accounts will help you get more traffic and earn more money from Google Adsense.

These are some key steps if you want to make more than $3000 per month from Google Adsense. It is not very hard but you have to work to get good amount of traffic.

Top 5 sites to promote your blog

In this article, I have mentioned Top 5 sites to promote your blog
You can significantly enhance the visibility of your blog by employing these tried and tested blog promotion tips.

To become a successful blogger, it is important that you should know how to promote your blog. You are mistaken if you think that clicking publish button on your blog will automatically increase page views of your blog.  To increase the visibility of your blog you should showcase your content on leading platforms to drive traffic to your blog.

Also Read: 10 tips to increase website traffic

promote blog

Google Plus

Google provides you the opportunity to join various communities on Google plus that is an additional benefit of this platform. Google communities help like-minded people to connect and share their blog content. There are several communities on Google plus. Some communities allow users to promote their blog on their platform whereas; others encourage you to participate in the community discussions. You can join as many communities as you like and share your blog content on those platforms. I would personally recommend you to use this platform and see the results.

Unlike other social media platforms, Google plus is a platform where people gradually get to know each other. Here users share information more about business than their personal lives. Google plus is a platform that allows you to interact with other like-minded people and helps you build your circle. You can invite your friends, relatives, and co-workers to join you. You can create new circles as well as communities.


Facebook is one of the most effective tools of reaching out to your targeted audience. How you use this social media platform to your advantage depends on your ability to create a circle of like-minded people. You cannot force your friends or relatives to like your post every time you post a new article.

Therefore, it is important that you should create a group or page of like-minded people where you can discuss and share your blog content. You can promote your blog content on this platform in three easy to use techniques.

Posting blog content: Posting your articles on Facebook makes it easier for your friends to read and appreciate your work. You can share your article publically as well as to selected friend circle.

You can also post your article on your friends’ timeline so that the people who are in your fiend’s circle can also read your article. This strategy will enable you to reach out to the larger audience. Regularly posting your content on Facebook will enable you to get to know more about the people who find your articles interesting and informative.
You can tag your friends in the post so that they do not miss what you have shared. However, make sure you do not tag people frequently as it can be inconvenient and uneasy for them to read you post often. Tag people who understand the importance of your content. It will not only increase the possibility of your content being re-shared but also help you attract the audience that is genuinely interested in the topic you write about.  Creating Facebook page helps in building a group of like-minded people who are interested in your blog subject. At the same time, it provides group members an opportunity to share their opinion and ideas with each other. It will not only help you to learn from other bloggers but also increase the visibility of your blog. You can share your post on your page publicly that in turn helps in promoting your blog as well as your Facebook page/group.


Success on this platform depends on two factors. First, the number of followers you have on Twitter. Second, how you tweet your blog content. Twitting is an art and you should know how to attract the attention of the viewers in minimum possible words. An impressive tweet can significantly help you gain the attention of your targeted audience. Twitter also allows you to add a picture with your twit. You can add a picture to attract the attention of the viewers.

You should aim at increasing your followers in this platform to increase the visibility of your blog. Make sure you tweet your content regularly so that you can increase your visibility which in turn will help you to increase your followers.


This platform is similar to Instagram that allows users to pin their post. You can post pictures, photos or interesting quotes from your blog to promote your blog on Pinterest. Make sure you use original high-resolution large images to attract the attention of readers. Pinterest allows users to create boards that in turn helps users to promote their blog. The best way to increase your blog visibility on this platform is to increase your followers. However, make sure in the return of their favor you should also follow them.

Create a board that showcases your blog writer/writers. Provide a brief profile of the writers so that readers can connect with them. Add a pin button on your blog so that your friends can share your blog with people known to them. It will increase your audience base and help in increasing visibility of your blog. Optimize your pin so that it can be easily index by the search engines within the Pinterest as well as by Google. To do this make sure your account setting allows public search engines to find your Pins.


 It is a perfect platform for those bloggers whose blog is related to small businesses such as tech startups, magazines, cooking, photography, traveling, and products. However, other bloggers can also take advantage of this platform by using it effectively. You can use quotes from your blog to promote your content on this platform.

It is a perfect platform for reaching your targeted audience. The platform provides you the opportunity to build new relationships and widens your reach. You can use this platform to reach out to the global audience.

If you use pictures in your blog you can also post those pictures to attract the attention of your ideal audience. Always remember a picture speaks louder than words. Always use a picture that says something about the topic of your article. Create and use original pictures. If you find it difficult to create an original picture you can use platforms like Flickr where thousands of creative common pictures are available for commercial as well as non-commercial use. Make sure to use pictures carefully and read the creative common license before using them in you blog.

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