- The Golith frog of Africa is the biggest frog in the world. It weighed 8 pounds and was the size of a three year old child.
- The Cuban arrow poison frog is only about half an inch long.
- Frogs' tongues have lots of taste buds. They spit out food that tastes bad.
- Frogs' soak up all the water they need through their skin.
- A frog sheds its skin few times a year.
- The golden poison dart frog is the most poisonous member of this family.
- The barking frog sounds like -----a barking dog.
- The wood frog quacks like a duck.
- Eastern narrow mouthed toads bleat like lambs.
- The mexican tree frog makes a noise like a car.
- Carpenter frogs sound like someone is hammering nails.
- The northern cricket frog calls, "gick, gick, gick" once a second.
- Most snakes do not need to eat very often. One big meal can last for many months.
- The spitting cobra squeezes poison out through holes at the tip of its fangs.
- The rattles on the snake's tail are made up of the same material as your fingernails.
- King cobras strike and kill about 10,000 people a year in India.
- Just one ounce of poison from king cobra call kill upto 4000 people.
- The country of Myanmar leads the world in snakebites.
- Sea snakes are among the most poisonous snakes of all.
- Blind snakes dig tunnel in the soil.
- The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world.
- The least Gicko is only about half an inch long.
- A six linned racerunner was clocked speeding at an amazing speed of 18 miles an hour.
- Chameleons tend to turn darker when frightened.
- Lizards can grow new tails when they loose one.
- Chameleons can change colours- yellow, green, white, red, or brown. They do not change colour according to their surroundings.
- The huge leather backed turtle is the biggest turtle in the world.
- The eastern mud turtle is the smallest member of this family.
- The turtles can swim 1200 miles each way.
- The shell of an alligator snapping turtle is the same color as the muddy river water where it lives.
- The stinkpot turtle gives out a disgusting smell.
- The people of Madagascar love and respect the radiated tortoise.
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